Access Foundation


Edutech software proves invaluable to students by offering a centralized platform where they can effortlessly manage and access various aspects of their academic journey. Here are some noteworthy features of the Student Panel:

  • Attendance
  • Homework
  • Assignments
  • Timetable
  • Teachers' Remarks
  • Achievements
  • Extracurricular Activities

Students can edit and upload profile information, including their photo, class details, and emergency contact information. They can also receive essential alerts from the school for news, and emergency notices.


A school mobile and web app for teachers can be a powerful tool to streamline various aspects of education management and enhance overall efficiency. Here are some key benefits and features that such an app could offer:

  • Managing student data
  • Creating schedules
  • Assigning Homework/Assignments
  • Sending reminders
  • Evaluating results

By integrating these features, a school mobile and web app can contribute significantly to reducing the administrative burden on teachers, enhancing communication, and fostering a more efficient educational environment.

Access Foundation
Access Foundation


Edutech ensures that parents are actively involved in their child's academic journey, providing a comprehensive Parent Panel with a range of features to keep them informed and engaged. Here's an overview of the key functionalities:

  • Academic Performance Tracking
  • Attendance and Timetable Management
  • Fee Payments
  • Upcoming Activities and News
  • Overall Performance Overview
  • GPS Tracking for School Transportation

By incorporating these features into the Parents Panel, Edutech aims to foster a strong parent-school partnership, enabling parents to actively participate in their child's educational journey and contribute to a collaborative and supportive learning environment.

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